Much better!
This is my favourite piece by you, because of the detail and that you got the anatomy correct. I like the way the head looks like a robot skull, the red eyes make it look robotic and awesome. The body is great and I like how you've added shoulder pads to make it look more like a soldier. Now for the legs, I mean I don't think there bad but I personally think they would of looked better smaller, but I can see the look your going for with the baggy trowsers so that's fine. I like the shinpads to. The feet look fine I like the little lines on the end of them. Now for the bad parts, i'll start with the gun which is for sure the worst part about the piece, I mean the thing on the end is way to long. The grenades don't look that great either and I can see bits of white on them that I think you've missed to color (not sure) So a good piece, but the gun could use improving.